Anger and anxiety are close cousins. Both are difficult emotions, but there are ways to deal with them. Here are some ideas for how to help yourself calm down and feel better.
When you notice you are angry or anxious, PAUSE and try focusing your attention in one or two of these ways.
- Slow your breathing down and to make your outbreaths up to two times longer than your in breaths. Count 4-5 breathing in, count 8-10 breathing out. Do this for about 10 breaths and take another ten if you need to!
- Focus attention on breathing out and count from 1-10 every time you breath out.
- If you are standing, or if you can stand, then focus on the bottom of your feet and feel them on the ground. Imagine your feet with roots going down into the earth. It is also a really good thing to do in the supermarket queue if you need something to keep you entertained while you wait. It has a surprisingly calming effect.
- See if you can broaden the scope of what you are looking at - so look more out of the corners of your eyes rather than just straight ahead. See how wide a view you can see.
- When you notice you are getting anxious or angry, see if you can feel what is happening in your body - is your throat tight or is your stomach clenched? See if you can actively try to breath into those places and soften the tight muscles.
You can practice doing these things when you find yourself with some spare time. Practicing them when you don't need them makes them much easier and quicker to use when you do need them. You've got nothing to lose by trying, so just give it a go.
For more information and links to mental health resources, check out this post
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