Halswell Domain

Halswell Domain
View from the Model Engineers' site in the Halswell Domain

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Halswell and Water

Halswell is an interesting spot in terms of drainage.  

Water drains west down to Te Waihora Lake Ellesmere from some parts of the area while, from other parts of Halswell, it drains east down into the Ōpawaho Heathcote River.  Aidanfield and the areas around the Domain drain east, while Westlake, Oaklands, Country Palms, Knights Stream and Longhurst all drain west via the Huritini Halswell River.  Rain that falls around the area therefore can contribute to flooding in both directions in heavy rain.

View of Wigram showing the coverage of impermeable rooftops

Built environments, like the City of Christchurch, have a lot of hard, impermeable surfaces that don't allow rain to soak into the ground.  This includes roof areas, and asphalt or concrete.  The Ōpawaho Heathcote in particular has been increasingly subject to flooding from rain events as the area of impermeable surfaces has grown.  This is because it drains a lot of low lying land in the City and because our climate has changed over recent years.  We are having more droughts and fewer but bigger rain events rather than many small ones.  

The City Council is addressing this in a number of ways.  One is that for infill housing in some parts of the City, developers must put in tanks that collect water in a flood event and release it slowly after the event.  You too could assist that process by putting in rainwater tanks which can be used to water gardens, or, if you are really keen, might be plumbed into your toilet to help cut down your water use in the summer months but which fill during rain events and hold some water back.  

Wetland area Cnr Sparks and Henderson's Road
Another way that flooding is being managed in both directions is through the development of water retention areas.   In this, Halswell is very important, as we can see from water retention ponds and areas that fill with water when it rains.  You can see these in the Wigram Basin, around Aidanfield, in Ngā Puna Wai in the Halswell Domain and in Henderson's Basin - along either side of Sparks road and Cashmere Road.     

Halswell Quarry in a flood

Water retention areas are also visible around Quaifes Road and Saby's Road, along the bottom of the Hill to the Quarry where a lot of water is held back from the Huritini Halswell River.  More will be built as development in this area continues.  Selwyn District Council is going similar work around Lincoln, Prebbleton and Tai Tapu as those areas develop.

Full retention areas near Living Waters Cnr Dunbars and Halswell Roads

The bonus for us here in Halswell is that we have a lot of very nice green spaces that have been and will be planted out in natives and which are great places for walking and biking.  


Friday, August 20, 2021

Reducing the Harm caused by Alcohol in our Communities

This article was put together by Councillor Anne Galloway and Chrys Horn.

Many of us like a drink!  The Ministry of Health writes that 85% of New Zealanders had at least one drink in the last year.  Likewise, it rates up there with essential supplies for lockdown, judging by the way New Zealanders rushed to buy it before we went into lockdown in August.

Sadly, however, when it is abused, alcohol is really harmful both for the drinkers and for people around them.  Collectively it costs us billions every year to manage the harm that it does to our health, our mental health and to our crime statistics.  In a time of lockdown the mental health benefits and the fact that alcohol lowers our immunity are both important issues.  Its effect on domestic violence is also really significant.  Worldwide, we are seeing these kinds of problems being intensified by the unusual conditions the pandemic has created.

Communities and alcohol

As such, it is important that communities are able to have some say about where and how much alcohol is sold. At the current time, however, the cards are very definitely stacked against that. 

In Halswell, David Hawke and John Bennett of the Halswell Residents Association, supported by the Community Board, have been working solidly over several years to support residents concerned about the opening of bottle stores in our local neighbourhood.  It is a herculean task that has involved many, many hours of unpaid work to prepare and appear in a court on behalf of residents to plead the case against alcohol being sold near churches, schools and preschools.  We owe them a debt of gratitude.

However we are very lucky.  Communities all through New Zealand are faced with the same issues but often with fewer resources.  Poorer communities don’t have residents who are lawyers, for example, and don’t have people who can afford the suit hire (really!) and get their heads around the way to argue their case.  On top of this, the alcohol related harm can be significantly greater in these communities.

How we can change this

For this to change, the current Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act needs to be improved so that it works with communities rather than against them, and to allow them a voice in licensing processes.

Minister Faafoi has indicated he is concerned about the impact of alcohol and is considering a review of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act.  Christchurch City Council has also been working hard on this issue.    A call has been made for organisations, groups, whānau or private citizens to send letters that ask that the review be started as soon as possible.  If you feel strongly about this issue, please consider sending a letter to the minister.  

Finally for your information : The Christchurch Alcohol Action Plan (CAAP) has been developed in response to community concern about alcohol-related harm. It provides a collective vision, strategies and actions aimed at achieving a sustained reduction in alcohol-related harm. Our vision is A safe, vibrant, healthy Christchurch, free from alcohol-related harm.  

Please get in touch with Anne if you want to know more.

Anne anne.galloway@ccc.govt.nz 0276660233


Tips for Sending a letter to the Minister

1) Send it via email addressed to Minister Kris Faafoi (k.faafoi@ministers.govt.nz) and Minister Andrew Little (a.little@ministers.govt.nz)  

2) Describe how alcohol has affected your life, whether in your work place or in your personal life. Use personal examples rather than clichés or broad-brush statements. 

3) Describe what you think the solutions are. You might ask for changes to the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act, say that the Mental Health Review called for this and perhaps also that Minister Faafoi has said he wants to improve the Act.  

4) Christchurch City Council has put together this template for a submission.  Note that putting the wording into your own words and adding your own 2c worth will increase the value of your efforts. 






Thursday, August 19, 2021

Running your Heat Pump

 This Stuff article caught my eye this month and is well worth a read.

Some people recommend that you leave your heat pump running all the time while others swear by switching it on only when there is someone home.   It seems that the answer is that if your home is well insulated and double glazed, it is probably no more expensive to keep your heat pump running all the time. It may be worth turning the temperature down when you are not there or overnight.

However, if you live in an older home that is not so well insulated and has single glazing. It will cost you a lot more in electricity to leave your heat pump running.  The advice is to turn it off when you are not there.

If you are in doubt, then perhaps try both options for a week and see if there is a difference in your electricity usage.


Seeing the benefits of flood protection

By Anne Galloway and Chrys Horn

We’ve seen some big floods around New Zealand over the last couple of months – one of them right here in Canterbury in early June when record amounts of rain fell in some areas, breaking the drought that we had had up until that time. 

As our city grows, our houses get bigger and our yards get more asphalted, there are few places for the rain to go.  For those living in the lower reaches of the Ōtākaro/Avon and the Ōpāwaho /Heathcote rivers, having the water rushing off the hard surfaces and into our river systems has been increasingly problematic.  Add to that that we are a low lying city that is part of the Waimakariri River flood plain, that became even lower in places during the earthquakes and it is clear that flooding is one of our greatest risks as a city.

For some years now the Council has been putting in infrastructure to ensure good amounts of green space and water retention.  We’ve seen a lot of these facilities going in around Aidanfield, Wigram, Nga Puna Wai, Longhurst, Knights Stream, Kennedys Bush and in Hendersons Rd - Cashmere Rd - Sparks Rd area.  Some of them have also become increasingly attractive areas for walking and biking as the planting takes hold and gains height – the Quarry and the Sparks Road Wetland are examples.  Some areas are still being built.

Our last flood tested this infrastructure and over all the Council are very pleased with how the retention areas around Halswell worked.   While some flooding occurred along Sparks Road where construction of retention areas is still in progress, millions of litres of water were held back in areas where the water was meant to be held and places that often flood (Hendersons road between Sparks and Cashmere Road, for example) did not.

Along with protecting the new housing going on in the area and protecting those in the lower reaches of the Ōpāwaho Heathcote, all this development has some added amenity benefits (as the walkers and bikers in our new wetland areas will attest) and will capture a lot of sediment thus improving water quality in the Ōpāwaho river system – something that will make life better for the plants, insects, fish and eels that live in the river.