European Settlers drained nearly all of our wetlands. Unfortunately, now we are finding that we need some of them back! Wetlands hold water back in a flood, can supply water to the surrounding area in a drought, help to filter pollutants out of water before it gets into waterways.

We have lots of new wetlands being developed in and around Halswell specifically to hold water back in a big rain so that people in the lower Opawaho/ Heathcote are flooded less than they otherwise would be.

The man made floating wetlands that you see in this picture will support plants that will take up nitrogen, phosphates and heavy metals, through their roots. This will improve water quality in Horseshoe Lake and the Otakaro/ Avon River.
As well as being very important in a flat city like Christchurch, these wetlands are also good at sequestering carbon and the make wonderful places for walking. Check one out near you soon
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